Goofy Faces and That Thing Called Confidence


On goofy faces and that thing they call confidence. I have come to this understanding that in able to love yourself more your must learn how to appreciate your physical traits and flaws first before you go deep within. Yes, everything would be solved and the whole equilibrium that they are talking about will be ok as soon as you dig deep, but I believe that you need to see what is on the surface first. You need to look not too closely but just in the right angle to truly see how your character shines through your physicality.

It was always hard for me to admit that I am this and I am that but through time I got to understand the meaning of the word confidence.

One, set-up an ideal you in your head- just like in every business there is always a Plan A or a Plan B to meet its goals. In life, we too must always have that ideal "us". We must always strive to look for the things that we want to improve on ourselves so that we may have that checklist of confidence-success.

Two, confidence is not based on what other people think- no matter how many compliments we receive and no matter how big the gestures are that people are saying that we are this person, we should never depend on what other people say. We should always be masters of our own minds, creator of our own thought patterns, and the writer of our story. Yes, once in awhile those compliments get in our heads and even sometimes the insults too that we strive to be better, but let's not be too dependent about them and instead let's trust who we truly are.

Three, confidence is not about what you wear and how you look, but how you carry yourself. I have been reminded many many times over  that you are not the brand of clothes you wear and you are not that person who applies too much make-up on.

You are that person ready to share your light to other people through your personality. Make it pop, make it count. Make others see you through. Make them look past your facade and bring them straight to your core. Do not be afraid, do not hesitate, and do not for one minute judge others for what they portray.

We are individual personalities created unique and it is not in our making to judge people by their physicality and their traits. We for one are imperfect and the world is too big for us to worry about or care about too much on how other people act.

To live a happy life...

We concentrate more on ourselves, on how we build our character, on how we want others to remember us and not on how others live and how they expect us to be.

Our characters are reflections of our true soul and we have a lifetime to make it count, make people see, and make them appreciate the true beauty of human existence. Through our gestures of confidence, we make other people feel loved and we allow them to enter into our circle and make us grow into better individuals.

Just a thought...

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