Unfortunately, my mini-dinosaurs did not do so well in changing the layout of my blog and with so much confusion running through my head while clicking different buttons along the way... I have decided to give up on fixing it.

Instead, I will try to come up with a new concept and a new blog that would be much easily appreciated by everyone. Will still be talking about the same stuff i'm doing here but with a little (possibly a lot) of twists.

This site is going down in 2 weeks. Thank you for taking the time to read what's on my mind. The soul in me sees the beautiful soul in you [Namaste]. See you soon! :)
If something isn't growing, it's dying.

At that moment you realize you are in that avenue in your life, it is time to let go. To just give up.

Don't think of what ifs. Time to go for happiness rather than a long wait of feeling stuck, twisted, and twined into a ball of manipulation.

Don't wait for signs. They are not going to sweep you off of that miserable feeling. You are your own sign manifested. Listen to your soul, listen to what your heart is shouting, how you breathe and how you pace in a seemingly unending maze. Be it a job, a relationship, a romantic relationship, or whatever you might call it, if it seems poisonous and you've been having nightmares, restless sleep, bad appetite or maybe even too much appetite, it is time---to let it all go.

The problem with us is that we are bred in a society that believes so much in the idea that letting go is bad. That when you let go, you simply gave up. That when you let go, you lost. That when you let go, you pay for the consequences. It is innate in us that we never take the time to reconsider this choice and this will always be the last resort.

Then we find ourselves in that rut, dreaming how happy and fulfilling life must be if we get out of this.

Acknowledge your feeling. This is the first step out of all the bullshit. It is such a beautiful thing when the realization hits us, like an inevitable collision. In an instant that you feel something is wrong, SOMETHING IS REALLY WRONG. Acknowledge that, don't wait for months or even years to realize this. Don't wait to feel too small already before you realize that something is bothering you. You have to listen to your feelings, always. Trust me, it will save you.

You are not too small for this. What you think and how you feel is enough valid reason for you to move forward. Do not negate your feelings. Do not allow yourself to be the victim of the situation. If it's already too much then get out of it. Give up. Take yourself away from it, as far as possible, the soonest time.

Save yourself. Save yourself while there is something left to save. Think that this is not the only path that is available for you. Realize the fact that there are still many opportunities out there waiting for you, for you to discover. Somewhere along that bent something greater is waiting.

Open yourself up. To new possibilities. To new beginnings. Always. Because this is the only thing that will save you from your hell hole. Toughen up a bit or may be more than a bit. You need to stand strong and face unsure challenges through a new patch in your life. Be ready for failures over and over again, it is but a natural cycle in life that you must go through to learn your lessons.

Try, try, and for heaven's sake try your hardest. You are not going to die from trying. It is better that you have tried and you failed many times than to just wonder what could have happened.

Dream. Please do dream big, remember being a kid when you wanted to climb the highest mountain or be a doctor? You were instantly that person in your head. So don't let this chance slip from you. Dream big, dream small, dream medium. No matter what happens never take this away from yourself, after all dreaming is free. It is but a dream that realigns our negative patterns into beautifully woven choices.

Please...Don't let anybody or anyone dictate what you should and should not do. Please never let this happen to yourself, be the master of your own mind, the creator of your own path. Traverse the unknown and never let anybody else's experience cloud your judgment about things that you need to do for yourself. After all, you are the only person most capable of understanding what you want to happen. If you keep allowing this to happen for yourself, your poisonous cycle will repeat itself over and over again. Don't let this happen.

High times will come. Consider this fact, if you are so low right now and your self-esteem is down the drain, expect that the next thing that will come into your life is the highest of high. There is no other way but that place. You know how it is to feel below the food chain already that the Universe will grant you nothing but the best of happiness. Your time will come.

Trust the process. Trust that everything comes in the right time, the right place, at the right sequence. You are in that position because the Universe knows that you are well capable of getting yourself out of that. Flow with the pain, the sadness, the anger, and every other negative vibration because after that, everything positive will spill into your life.

Above all, be gentle and forgive yourself. Accept all your failures, accept all the heart aches you are feeling. Acknowledge the fact that you are so low at the moment and do not let this grieving stage fly by. Feel every bit of sadness, wallow if you must. You are the only person who feels what you are exactly feeling, no one else will understand, no matter who you confide with. Forgive yourself and choose to love yourself for every wrong choices you made. Choose to love yourself completely in spite of the stupidity you've made yourself experience. Amidst all of these chaos, you will get out, you will be fine.
Dear Stranger,

I know you've had sleepless nights, you've even thought of doing something stupid, and you replayed this over and over. For days, weeks, or months. It doesn't really matter how long. What matters is that how you really feel.

It's hard to get out of a heartbreak. It's hard to get out of a scene that you play in your head to check where things went wrong. The feeling drowns you. The feeling suffocates you and you feel like the room is falling and no amount of strength could prevent this from happening.

Crumble. Allow it to take so much space in your heart. Cry. Feel every bit of pain, every bit of sadness and longing. Do not leave an empty space in your heart. This is what matters. You are not too manly or too feminine to fall apart. Be a baby if you must. Cry and long to be hugged. Long to be heard and taken cared off. You are not too old or too young to experience the pain that you are dealing with. It is what it is, normal but in an odd sort of way. Allow yourself to fall apart and be in different pieces. Because it is in these moments where you can decide to be a different version of yourself.

Stare into space. Feel numb if you must. Emptiness is good. It is in this emptiness that you find the right decision on what to put back in again. Be an empty box. A box filled with so much possibility. Staring into space could make your mind wander in spaces that you never thought existed. Allow that emptiness to swallow you in creating so much thought in your mind. If you allow this, everything else that needs to be discarded will be taken away from you.

Blame. Blame and blame until the hate is no longer there in your heart. Play the game of blaming, it is the only chance that you have to release your anger. Anger is good. Allow anger to take space in your heart and know when to eventually let is pass. Anger can take you into angles of yourself that you never knew was there. You can curse until your lungs fall out. Being angry does not qualify you as the bad person, it's a natural reaction to the pain that you are feeling. To blame is to allow your soul to be angry. Allow yourself to blame for a certain period of time but don't let it feed off all your energy. Remember you are trying to move forward.

Seek the company of no one. Allow yourself to ponder things on your own. Allow yourself to let no judgements cloud your thoughts. You are the master of your own mind and the only person capable of putting yourself back together. Seek to do things that you never thought you could do on your own. Bask in that feeling that you are capable of standing on your own two feet again. In doing so, try to regain that strength back of smiling again, on your small achievements and your silly ideas.

Find solitude beautiful. You have never thought of being alone until you feel that you are. It's ok. It is beautiful to be alone. To enjoy the present moment of just being with yourself. You are trying to seek out that part of you that was lost, that part of you that was taken and you can never have again. Try new things, never seek to go back to that place where you once had memories with that person, it would make moving forward harder for you.

You are beautiful. Realize that again. Your peace depends solely on this idea that you are beautiful. You no longer need that validation from some other person. Because when the time comes that you do realize you are then it would be easier to love, to share yourself, and extend yourself to someone all over again. And it would be more wonderful. You both will be happier.

A companion
Dear newbie in love,

I wrote and erased it many times, so here's an attempt. I was taken aback by the idea of how a new relationship would end.

I have witnessed people in different kinds of relationship tell me that when the relationship is new it is always sweet and filled with so much lust. As  time passes, love becomes too normal, it becomes second nature to both lovers. Yes, I am talking about love in different ways be it man-to-man, woman-to-woman, or the regular man-to-woman type. We are all bound to love, to feel a fresh start with the other and choose whether we will stay together or part ways. I strongly believe that, love is not bound into sexual orientations and that each of us might go through the following phases:

Love, as it starts fresh is always sweet.
Love as it brings your centered world into chaos, is a beautiful destruction unfolding right in front of your eyes. You allow yourself to be dragged by that pull of uncertainty, that particular pull which seems like inevitable gravity. Love as it is, is an inexplicable feeling. A desire of longing, of wanting to be with your partner 24/7. Love at its first stage is indeed an incredible experience! You learn to trust. You learn to put your barriers down and you learn to give space. You learn to grow not only with yourself but also with the other. Heck, you also learn how to fly. How to sore off of your feet. It is indeed a drug that you stick into yourself that you feel high and you never want to stop going higher. Love is, beautiful.

As times passes, the relationship grows into a second stage of great knowing. It is where the usual and common habits that the other does before used to be ery charming and now has turned into an intolerable smell of rotten garbage. The uglines of the other person is being manifested to you with no hesitations anymore. You both are in that zone where everything seems to be normal --- too normal. You are both so comfortable with your own skin that you forget the other is the other. You are in a way inseperable. A ticking bomb ready to explode when bickering starts. Yet, can be lullabied with a simple kiss, a hug, or even a wink. It is a stage where you become one and you decided to be it every waking moment. Note, the operative word is YOU DECIDE.

Being in a relationship is a constant decision you make, every single day, every hour. every second if you must insist. It is a decision that you make for yourself and for you partner which makes this beautiful chaotic one-ness wonderful.

That you realize...
Whether you want to put your atoms for the rest of your lives or go into new collisions. You are entitled to exercise your free will when the right moment comes. This is the last stage of love. The crucial turning point as to where all this madness is going to go.Where you want to be taken.

Love is silly; when you have it, you tend to cherish it the first few months or years. When you already have it, you feel something is still lacking, something is not right. And when you lose it you feel like the whole world is going to shatter into tiny particles of sand and your are left nowhere to begin.

With loads of concern,
A Wise Learner of Love
Should you be confused as to how the lay out in my website is jumbled, my mini dinosaurs are doing their best to improve your reading experience. Meanwhile, enjoy this picture of this patootie:

How do you like my stache? hmmm...

Dear You,

Tell her you love her. Every day. Every waking moment that you see her through your eyes. Every touch. Every feel of her hair. The clumps of these strands tell so much about her. How she feels for you. How she longs for you to feel her breath, her worries, and her joy.

Tell her you love her and don't deny it in front of her face. Don't deny it by simply choosing to be macho or too manly for her. Be too emotional for her if you must. Be affectionate. Tell it to her every day. Make her feel your warmth as if there's enough blanket to cover her shivering skin. There's enough heat to ease her chilling bones.

Tell her you love her and that you will never let her go. You will never let her have second thoughts if she does love you. Tell her that the three important words you utter: "I Love You," are not empty. They are not just words strung together to complete a simple phrase to make her feel special. These words are the only thing that she has from you. A promise that she grips so tightly. The only thing that gives her a sense of security and assurance that you do. That you really do.

Tell her you love her by sending her random notes on random days. Give her a treat to something simple. Because in the end, all that matters is that she's spending her time with you. Time, that she can't get back anymore. Time, that she, not for one-second thought was wasted. You are her moment. Every precious second with you is her anchor to her reality.

Tell her you love her and don't let her sacrifice anything just to make you happy. That you are both individuals ready to live your own lives, apart, at times. But when you are together, make her feel that she is the only thing in this infinite Universe. Make her feel that she is the moon orbiting your planet. Make her feel that you are there for every smart and stupid decision she makes. Because she will surely do this for you too.

Tell her you love her and that her voice is the only thing that calms you, that soothes your tired heart and your weary soul. Her voice might give you sudden jolts at times, but this is what makes her. What makes up that idea that you loved her in the first place. Her voice will guide you through a tunnel of sense when everything seems unclear and daunting. She will gather up all the strength from her core to get you through, she will surely do.

Tell her you love her by saying she is beautiful. She is beautiful no matter what she wears, no matter how her hair was done or even how ugly her eyebrows were accidentally shaped. She is beautiful through all the sweat and all the grime. After all, this is not the only thing she is made off. She is so much more. Her beauty will eventually fade, but her love for you will surely grow as the days, months, and years progresses.

Tell her you love her by not criticizing her with the amounts of calories she puts in. This is her, in certain moments. If she feels tired and wants a burger at 2 AM do not judge her for the things that might comfort her or at least ease her worries. If she feels like slobbering her face with french fries be with her. Never ever tell her that she is not in her best shape because she is doing everything she can to just cope with her situation. Her body does not define who she really is, look passed it. Be attracted to her even if she no longer has those perfect curves you used to adore. You are there to understand, to feel her, and to ease her way out of the negativity. To be the best version of herself all over again. Support her. Support her through this especially.

Tell her you love her by understanding her. By understanding her worries and faults. Her worries should not be dismissed, judged, or even left in the corner hanging. LISTEN TO HER. It is actually the best way of telling her that YOU DO LOVE HER. Her faults are what make her a woman, what makes her beautiful inside-out, and what makes her unique among all the other diamonds ready to be uncovered. She is unique and she is the only one who will love you as much as you can ever imagine.

Tell her you love her by not desiring anything from anyone else. She is there for you. See that truth. Every single day. A soul may pass to enlighten you or to distract you but remember in your mind and etched it in your heart that SHE IS THE ONLY ONE. She is the only one who will distract you or give you the most desirable of feelings. She will always be there, so, take the time to really see her.

Tell her you love her with every gesture. With every gesture of fetching or bringing her home. With the simple dates that are not needed to be planned. With every single effort that you can possibly muster in your existence. Because in the end, it does not matter to her if you buy her expensive gifts or if you even provide for her. Your presence and your actions say so much about where you want your relationship to go. Where you will take her through this journey. You are important to her and no amount of money or fame matters to her. YOU MATTER TO HER. YOU and ONLY YOU.

Tell her you love her by assuring her that her insecurities are not to be dismissed in plain sight. She feels small at times the same way that you do and even if she appears strong she is in dire need of your affection. Of your warm assuring hug. Of that simple hand you hold when crossing the street. Or that simple tug when you are introducing her to someone new. Her insecurities will remain with her for the longest time and you have to help her get passed them if she can't. If it seems like they are haunting her in every corner, be there for her, assure her that all she is thinking are just thoughts that she can eventually rid off. And you will always be there. Always.

Tell her you love her and be gentle to her. She is a peeled apple sensitive to every word you say. Do not expect her to take things lightly because, after all, she is a woman. Every word has a particular weight to her. Her experience is her teacher. You need to understand all her worries to know where she is really coming from. Choose the right words to say because she will always remember them especially when they came from you. She will always have a special part in her brain reserved only for you, for every good word and deed. But for every hurtful gesture remember: that she will always forgive you, always, that's why be gentle to her. With all your might.

Tell her you love her not because you are required to but because YOU REALLY DO. You love her and that no amount of shame or hesitations will cross your mind that you do.

She loves you and accepts you for who you are and who you were.
She can swallow everything you say as the truth, as her truth, and be with you no matter.
She can trust you for every bit of word or every action you do.
She will join you through a place where there is no beginning or end.
She will love you because there is so much inside of her that it can no longer be contained.
You are that receiver of such love.
A lucky receiver of that overflowing love.

So please, do tell her you love her.

Your Woman

Oh hello dear,

Your mind seems to be troubled.
Your heart seems weak.
You soul is faltering.

What have you done lately?
What have you done that pain is seen through your eyes?
What have you done that joy is no longer on your face?

My dear child,

I hope you get to learn this. Over and over.
You are wonderful.
You are wonderful.
You are wonderful.

You are a piece of me that I cannot take away.
You are an important speck (if that's what you think).
You are not just flying by. You are soaring high.
You are in fact gliding through instead of flightless.

Dear little one,

Everything is going to be ok.
Everything will be alright.
If not now, it's going to happen soon.
At the right time, right place, right sequence.

I just want you to: TRUST, LET GO, and be QUIET
No need to prove yourself to anybody.
No need to try and save everything.
No need to understand all the moments that you call confusing.

Because in the end, CLARITY is no longer beyond you.
Grasp it. Choose it. Live it.

Again and again wonderful child,
You are beautiful.
You are creative.
You are important.

I love you and I'll always be here for you. No matter the call.
Be it in gratitude.
Be it in anger.
Be it in frustration.

I am sending my vibrations of LOVE and PEACE in your heart.
