Take The Time to READ ME.

Don't expect pictures, you'll rarely see it here.

I have finally decided to really take the time to write on this web page everyday. If you are with me through this journey I'd highly appreciate it if you take the time to share my thoughts on your social networks. Share my blog posts and life realizations if you find that it hits home.

I was idle for a time and had constant battles with myself if I should push through with this writing or not. I was afraid of what people might say or think about me. I was criticized for being a hypocrite for the words I wrote and that I don't consciously live them out every single day.

I was... to be honest... Insecure. The thought that a lot of people out there are trying to make their voices heard through writing was daunting. I can't write. I feel as though I am a minuscule part of this giant cosmos.

Aside from that...


We spend most days just scrolling through our smart phones looking through pictures and silly videos but we never really take the time to read. To read and to let our hearts be touched by words.

Words are magic. Words when put together can journey through the heart and soul of many. When was the last time that your heart was touched by a short quote or article?

So today, I dedicate myself to doing an overhaul. An attempt to make something consistent out of my very inconsistent life. I always promised myself to go on a diet but never really got the hang of it. I also promised myself to exercise regularly but it never did happen. I promised myself over and over again that I would wake early in the morning but my bed's too charming not to let go of me. And previous entries on this web page, I attempted many times to go on this challenge of writing everyday but never really did.

So, here I am today. I will try to make words come out of me and I will attempt to get you to read me. Every day. My journey. My happiness. My sadness. The details of every successes and struggles I am experiencing.

Mostly I will address my blog posts through a letter form. Hellos and goodbyes are always great to address things that cannot be addressed. Things that cannot be said or admitted.

Sometimes we are too scared to put ourselves out there that the fear just continues to grip us. Fear, my friend, is the greatest enemy we have. Insecurities are fruits of fears dangling in the brain---rotting and useless. I no longer want what ifs in my head. I want to go on this personal journey to reach you. To make you read again.

To find words interesting and touching that you would laugh, cry, or feel annoyed even.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below the posts.

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