Kicking the Bucket

"Have you found joy in your life?" One of the three questions Morgan Freeman asked when he was with John Nicholson on top of the Egyptian pyramids. I kind of thought about it after countless times of seeing the movie while seated comfortably in a gigantic leather sofa. Well I guess I've found that joy, ask the chair and the chips!  

I've been meaning to find that particular thing which gives me joy. We spend days doing the "regular" things that "regular" people ought to do just to exist or maybe survive in this reality. Don't shoot, I won't go all-guru about the joys of life but I'm going to try to find it through starting this writing thing going on again. Yes, I have thought about it, many many times, went through it in my head and argued with myself, talked myself out of it, talked myself into it again, and finally decided that I have to do this. Free will baby, free will, God in His cleverness decided that this is probably the best gift he could give. Amazing.

Why write? We write about the things we see, about the travels we make or made, the conversations we've had, or just for the heck of it probably never realizing (or realizing) that we are having that deeper connection to ourselves. I guess writing would be a good way to connect with myself again, to express my deepest desires and feelings towards life and eventually inspire other people to read my thoughts and see the wonderful things that everyday life has to offer. It's also a cry from me to the Universe to finally help me fall into place and put me in my proper order.

Yes, this is probably a kick off from my bucket list (I'm not dying don't get me wrong), writing my thoughts down for people to see or even try to read. This would probably be my idea of losing myself through "paper" and eventually finding myself and that deeper connection for the joy in my life all over again. A beginning for something that I believe is magical while totally hoping that everything would turn out fine, said my skeptical self. 

I read somewhere that in order to change something that you don't like about your life, you need to give yourself at least two weeks of adjustment period. The body is like this when you exercise, your metabolism adjusts with the work that you put in and results are somewhat visible. 14 days, I said, that's kind of short for this kind of attempt. Let's do 40 days instead. WOW!  

Why 40? Cause it's probably the only number of days that different religions have a connection to and I strongly believe that it isn't coincidence. Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights (Christianity), Muhammad was 40 when he received a revelation from Archangel Gabriel (Islam), Man has to be 40 years old to study the Kabbalah in Judaism, and some prayers of Hinduism consist of 40 stanzas or couplets. So 40 for me is a RESOUNDING WAY to imbibe positive changes with visible results. 

So here goes...

My name is Nina, I write about my thoughts, travels, POSSIBLE travels and adventures, kitchen experiments, and anything under the sun, moon, stars, or even rain for that matter. Welcome to Just a Thought, after all, brilliant ideas come from sparks of thoughts in our minds that weave giant patterns in our realities. 


1 comment:

  1. A true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way she says it.


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