Fishermen: All Shapes & Sizes

Girls, I know you'd feel me with this entry today. Bare and honest.

How many times have you looked in the mirror and said to yourself that you are the fattest person alive? Yes. Fat. I say fat. Sorry if this isn't the appropriate word to use and you might get offended with how I will use it throughout this blog, so I'm apologizing before you continue on reading.

How many times have you compared yourself to others and asked your family or your friends these following questions: Is she as big as I am? Is she as tall then? Is her hair prettier? Do I look stupid in this dress? Do I? Do I? Do I?

Sometimes it's over the top and you ask the most absurd questions, people get annoyed with it and they no longer want to answer. They find it weird or sometimes fascinating why your brain comes up with these things. Worst, they find you really stupid. It's not that you are fishing for compliments or anything it's just that there are really days that you really feel bad about yourself. Right? 

That no matter how many times you change your clothes, the way you wear your hair, the way you put make-up on, and how many times you look at yourself in the mirror it's the same face and body looking back at you. Same nose, same eyes, same lips, same set of eyebrows (unless you had it done), same hips, same tummy, same everything! But you feel really bad and you can't point your finger as to where this idea is coming from.

Have you had this kind of day? I am seriously betting that you've had this same experience and you just want to tell everybody to back off and get the hell out of your way.

Where am I getting with this? Media has always played a big role in giving us a taste of what "beauty" is, what shape we should be in, what clothes we're supposed to wear, and maybe even how we should appropriately act. Whether we like it or not, we get influenced by the messages they convey and we start living it out as our truths.

We spend hours finding the right clothing, days starving ourselves, years criticizing and comparing ourselves to others that we forget what are the important things in life. That that certain look is not important to your boyfriend or your spouse because they love you for who you are and not what or who you are wearing. That your shape or the body that you are in right now is truly perfect, that it's genetically like that and you can still improve it in other ways aside from starvation or surgery. That you no longer need to compare yourself with other people because you haven't learned or truly grasped the concept that there are greater and lesser persons as yourself.

It's as if the norms have gone upside-down. That in order to be loved and appreciated you must act or look this way; instead of, you act or look like this that's why you are truly loved, accepted, and appreciated. 

You need not change anything to please others. That the only acceptance that you must keep safe will be coming from your head and not anyone else.

Raise your hand if you feel guilty about this. We criticize ourselves in front of people because our hidden agenda is to fish for compliments back, consciously or subconsciously. We'd go like this in a conversation:

"My thighs look super big it can't even fit in my darn pants." and the other person would say (just to make you feel better), "What are you talking about you're so skinny and your legs look just right."

Then we feel good!

I guess most women are unhappy with how they look and feel about themselves because it's really hard for them to accept their whole package. In our heads we always think that something needs to be changed every now and then. When this shouldn't be the case. 

We wait for someone to affirm how we should feel about ourselves... At any given moment. When the truth of the matter is that we should be feeling this inside by consciously choosing to compliment ourselves every now and then. Make it our everyday habit to help us see that we truly are beautiful, no matter what shape or what size we are in, what we wear, and how we act.  

We need to accept the reality that no matter how hard we try to please people we can't do it, even if we strip off all our fat and wear the most branded items, it just doesn't work like that. We must learn to take the clutter of criticisms out in our minds and start to challenge ourselves in making the conscious effort of feeling good all the time.

So to all women who feel fat, ugly, or unwanted help yourselves to get out from that rut. Nobody else can make you feel good no matter if they throw you thousands and thousands of compliments and no matter how hard you try to fish for them. Let's empower ourselves on the inside first then the outside would surely follow and everything else would fall to place.

Enough with the criticisms and the comparisons. It's good to just say to yourself that you are you and no one could ever change that. That when you hold this as true for yourself you'd be more radiant than where you are now, you'd be more sure where you stand. Glow in the vastness of your individuality and inspire others to follow you through example. 

Because in every imaginative way you could think of when you do appreciate yourself for who and what you truly are you'd see the most beautiful person alive. 

Ladies, Love Yourself.  

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